TractEasy joins John Deere supply base

TractEasy was awarded the contract after an initial proof of concept last year where an EZTow moved combine harvester cabs from staging to the assembly line at John Deere Harvester Works (East Moline, Illinois) on an exterior route. The vehicle used a range of sensors and cameras with real-time processing to navigate mixed traffic and winter conditions.
“We are delighted to be chosen to join the John Deere supply base. Manufacturing flows that include exterior routes are ripe for automation and we’re thrilled to be leading the way with John Deere,” said Richard Reno, CEO of TractEasy.
About TractEasy
TractEasy is a joint venture between two industry leaders: ground support equipment manufacturer TLD and driverless technology provider EasyMile. It focuses on outdoor towing solutions.
Its “EZTow” tow tractor can tow up to 20 tons (44,000lbs) autonomously using a range of sensors and cameras with real-time processing to navigate complex outdoor environments. It is the most-deployed autonomous tow tractor globally. Since 2018, it has been used for indoor/outdoor operations in Europe, Asia and North America. This includes a number of major automotive manufacturing plants and logistics centers. It is also in use at major airports around the world for baggage handling and cargo operations.
For more information, visit TractEasy.
About EasyMile
EasyMile is a leader in software and complete solutions for driverless transport. It partners with blue-chip manufacturers to autonomize their vehicles with award-winning technology built on safety-by-design, ready for deployment today, with clear client benefits.
Since 2014, the company has become known for quality delivery and real-world deployments. EasyMile’s proven technology has driven autonomously in 400+ locations in more than 30 countries, over 1, 000,000km.
With several mass operations around the world EasyMile was the first to deploy fully driverless at Level 4 of autonomous driving and has the highest number of remotely supervised operations (10+) on the market to date. It is also the first autonomous vehicle solutions provider to be ISO 9001:2015 certified.
EasyMile has more than 250 employees in four locations (Toulouse, Berlin, Denver and Singapore), doubling its headcount every 2 years.
For more information, visit EasyMile.
Benieke Treverton, Head of Communications
TractEasy wird Teil der John Deere-Lieferantennetzwerks
DENVER, CO - TractEasy wurde ausgewählt, seinen autonomen Schlepper "EZTow" weltweit an John Deere zu liefern. TractEasy ist ein Anbieter von autonomen Schlepplösungen, insbesondere für den Außeneinsatz, und ein Joint Venture zwischen dem Hersteller von Ground Support Equipment TLD und dem Anbieter von fahrerlosen Technologien EasyMile.
TractEasy erhielt den Auftrag nach einem ersten Proof-of-Concept im vergangenen Jahr, bei dem ein EZTow die Kabinen von Mähdreschern auf einer Außenstrecke von der Bereitstellung zur Montagelinie bei John Deere Harvester Works (East Moline, Illinois) transportierte. Das Fahrzeug nutzt eine Reihe von Sensoren und Kameras mit Echtzeitverarbeitung, um bei gemischtem Verkehr und winterlichen Bedingungen zu navigieren.
"Wir freuen uns, dass wir als Zulieferer von John Deere ausgewählt wurden. Fertigungsabläufe, die auch Außenstrecken umfassen, sind reif für die Automatisierung, und wir freuen uns, dass wir mit John Deere eine Vorreiterrolle spielen", sagte Richard Reno, CEO von TractEasy.