EasyMile's Contribution to Emissions Reduction: Unveiling Our Carbon Footprint Report

Toulouse, France - 5th september 2024
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At EasyMile, sustainability remains a core element of our operational approach and long-term vision. In this year's blog post, we will review the findings of our latest Carbon Footprint Report, providing a detailed look at our progress in reducing emissions and discussing the next steps we are taking to further minimize our environmental impact.
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For the third consecutive year, EasyMile has computed its Carbon Footprint Report, following the same methodology. Read last year’s carbon footprint report here



Our emissions are stable

In 2023, EasyMile's total emissions are 1250t CO2e based on 2022 computation, showing a slight decrease from 1260t CO2e in 2022.

Every year, we improve the computation by adding some activities. For 2023, we’ve been adding the Business Travels paid by Invoice, Visitor travels, Receptions Office Condominium charges, and IT Fiber consumption.
With those added activities, EasyMile's total emissions sum up to 1402t CO2e.

 To provide context, we compute emissions per employee, resulting in 5.5t CO2e / employee.


Finding alternatives to flying

In 2023, business travel, especially flights, remained the first emission factor. The emission increased from 24% of the total footprint to 34%, half of this increase being the extra factors taken into account from 2023 (Travels paid by Invoice).

Initiatives like remote maintenance and video conferences will be prioritized to reduce the need for travel, with train travel favored for shorter trips.

Stability for our offices

Office emissions remained stable, calculated based on kg CO2e/m² ratio, covering construction work over standard durations.

Data versus monetary value

Emissions from purchased services, including intellectual services, R&D, and insurance, decreased by 22%. Efforts have been made to refine data and use real emission values instead of monetary factors.

Raw platforms, hardware and partner inputs

Raw platforms and hardware inputs contributed to emissions, with some partners providing life-cycle assessments to aid in emission calculations.

A lot of us are vegetarian

Employee meals accounted for a significant proportion of emissions. A survey revealed that around 40% of meals were vegetarian, emitting only 10%.

We’re still driving too much

While only 20% of employees commute by combustion vehicles, the high emissions associated with combustion made up 90% of commuting emissions. This 20% increase from 2022 is due to the improved computation, detailing the employee commuting daily instead of week average.

Several limitations, including challenges in computing energy consumption in some offices and the remote work footprint were acknowledged.

What we will do to keep moving toward a carbon-reduced future

Our Carbon Footprint Report is a tool for assessing progress and planning future actions. Key steps include:
Challenge Business Travel: Reducing the need for travel through remote maintenance and video conferences, prioritizing train travel.

Supplier Selection: Considering carbon criteria when choosing suppliers, favoring those with sustainable practices.
Electronics: Prioritizing refurbished computers and phones to reduce the carbon footprint.

Employee Awareness: Continuing efforts to raise awareness through communication and initiatives like Climate Fresks.

EasyMile remains steadfast in our commitment to sustainability, using the Carbon Footprint Report as a foundation for continuous improvement and impactful actions toward a greener future.