EasyMile in Multi-Partner Showcase at CES 2022

Discover its latest platform for autonomous towing, the TractEasy, at the Velodyne booth, more about its passenger transport solution in collaboration with Continental Automotive, and insight to the way it has been shaping safety standards for autonomous vehicles with Ansys.
Transforming industries
Velodyne’s lidar technology is used in a range of transformative solutions including automotive, logistics, mapping, robotics, traffic monitoring, vegetation management and more. It has a real impact for modern warehouses and material handling services that are already on their way towards Industry 4.0. Businesses have embraced advanced robotics and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to streamline their material handling processes.
But meeting the new demands means they must go further. Equipment, transportation, and site architecture need to work seamlessly with intelligent warehouse management systems to give material handlers greater levels of agility.
But, AGVs are limited to indoors and unsuited to more dynamic environments. Operators need to step up a level and explore the benefits which come with greater levels of autonomy.
As we look forward, past the pandemic, there’s an opportunity for material handlers to press reset and reconsider how their business operations should look in the future. Digitalization using autonomous solutions brings three key benefits:
- Flexibility
Increased intelligent systems allow businesses to offer a more individualized service. As next day and same day become the norm, digitalization allows operators to be faster and more flexible to keep up with increasing demand.
- Cost-effectiveness
Operators are now diversifying suppliers and decentralizing inventories to remain resilient to crisis. This takes investment, with smaller, more widespread distribution centers and regional warehouses, as well as the potential for higher labor costs.
This is especially important in those sectors hardest hit by Covid. Carmakers for example are paying even closer attention to margins as demand has dropped. Digitalization gives them greater control over their costs.
- Safety
More than anything else, autonomous solutions and increased digitization will lead to safer operations. This means preventing accidents and cutting risk to both staff and processes.
At the booth will be TractEasy, EasyMile’s tow-truck autonomous solution that optimizes supply chains with cross/indoor-outdoor, 24/7 material handling at airports, factories and industrial sites.
Ready mobility
Autonomous technology can make a big contribution to include more people into individual mobility. The vehicle that is the CUbE, an EasyMile EZ10 in partnership with Continental, is on the streets today around the world.
Inside it, is a complex network of components keeping it in constant communication with its surroundings.
Lidar, GPS sensors, smart brakes, and high-definition cameras. These intricate layers of innovation feed the shuttle’s ecosystem over a 4G network. This means the vehicle can calculate where it is, what’s surrounding it and what it needs to do next.
The technology behind driverless transport is groundbreaking, but it’s an evolution not a revolution.
Why does this matter? Because a driverless shuttle is no “concept vehicle”. Its backbone is already well established. Making the move to mass deployment less of a leap; more of a next step.
The technology and software package is robust, based on innovations improved and enhanced over the decades. It’s been successfully proven in planned communities, business parks and more.
Now, with the platform well understood and widely available, the next step for suppliers is economies of scale.
It’s not reinventing the wheel; it’s putting it in action.
Shaping safety standards
Autonomous vehicle solutions require EasyMile to work with clients globally to help educate government officials at the federal, state, and local levels so vehicles are deployed with all regulatory approvals. medini analyze provided EasyMile with a turnkey system with all the necessary tools at their disposal in one solution.
The software enabled EasyMile to manage and define safety analysis of their autonomous products using their own process within medini analyze, thanks to the flexibility of medini to adapt to this process.
At the vehicle level, EasyMile used the software to conduct all the safety analysis required from their customers and provide the documentation needed for European safety regulators such as the Safety Services Organization (SSO). It was also used at the subsystem level to analyze connected infrastructure, including interactions among the operator, the deployment team, and all other stakeholders in the transportation system.
Recently, with the help of the Ansys team, EasyMile successfully added another tool to medini (a custom extension of the software) to help them drive all safety concepts and requirements into one model for both of their passenger and material transport applications.
The tool supported their product line engineering approach and can generate the documentation of all their products for every platform.
Find EasyMile during CES 2022 at:
Velodyne: Putting the spotlight on lidar-based solutions for automotive, industrial, infrastructure and robotics, including the opportunity to discover EasyMile’s autonomous tow tractor TractEasy in-person – West Hall - Booth #6005
Continental Automotive: Showcasing innovative products and services such as server-based vehicle architecture and automated driving capabilities, including insights to EasyMile’s EZ10 driverless passenger shuttle – Renaissance Hotel - Ballroom 1
Ansys: Presenting the latest simulation capabilities for sustainable mobility, in particular how EasyMile is using their medini analyze tool to define and demonstrate the safety of its solutions – West Hall - Booth #5769
EasyMile will also participate in a panel discussion hosted by Ansys titled “Simulation as a Superpower: Bridging Speed, Safety, and Sustainability in Transportation & Mobility” at their booth on Jan. 5 at 1:30pm PST.
EasyMile participe au CES 2022 à Las Vegas avec trois partenaires clés
Toulouse, France, 22 décembre 2021 - Le fournisseur de technologies autonomes, EasyMile, sera à l'honneur au Consumer Electronics Show (CES) de Las Vegas, du 5 au 8 janvier 2022, avec ses solutions autonomes exposées, avec trois de ses partenaires clés.
Le TractEasy, véhicule pour transport de biens autonome, sera sur le stand de Velodyne. Sa solution de transport de passagers, l’EZ10, sera présentée en collaboration avec Continental Automotive, et son travail autour des normes de sécurité pour les véhicules autonomes, exposé avec Ansys.
La présence d’EasyMile s’articulera autour de 3 grands axes: la transformation de l'industrie, la mobilité autonome pour tous et la définition des normes de sécurité pour le véhicule autonome.
Transformer l’industrie
Sur le stand de Velodyne sera présenté le TractEasy, la solution autonome de manutention d'EasyMile qui optimise la supply chain grâce à une manutention transversale, intérieure et extérieure, 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, dans les aéroports, les usines et les sites industriels.
La technologie lidar de Velodyne, se déploie dans des secteurs comme l'automobile, la logistique, la cartographie ou la robotique. Elle permet le développement vers l'industrie 4.0, dont EasyMile est précurseur avec son TractEasy.
La mobilité autonome prête
Sur le stand de Continental Automotive, le CUbE, une navette autonome EZ10, développée en partenariat avec Continental qui parcourt aujourd'hui les rues du monde entier, sera présentée.
A l’intérieur de la navette se trouve un réseau complexe de composants qui la maintiennent en communication constante avec son environnement: Lidar, capteurs GPS, freins intelligents et caméras haute définition, qui constituent ce système innovant qui alimente l'écosystème de la navette, et qui sera présenté lors de l’évènement.
Définir les normes de sécurité
Dans le développement du véhicule autonome, EasyMile travaille avec ses clients et partenaires dans le monde entier à la sensibilisation des responsables et autorités politiques afin que les véhicules soient déployés, avec toutes les approbations réglementaires nécessaires.
Ce travail autour des normes de sécurité se fait notamment en collaboration avec Ansys, qui a fourni à EasyMile un système clé en main avec tous les outils nécessaires à leur disposition dans une seule solution. Le logiciel a permis à EasyMile de définir et démontrer l'analyse de sécurité de ses solutions autonomes. Une collaboration qui sera à découvrir sur le stand d’Ansys.
En résumé, retrouvez EasyMile pendant le CES 2022:
Velodyne: Présentation de solutions lidar pour l'automobile, l'industrie, les infrastructures et la robotique, y compris la possibilité de découvrir en personne le tracteur autonome TractEasy d'EasyMile - West Hall - Stand n° 6005.
Continental Automotive: Présentation de produits et services innovants tels que l'architecture de véhicules basée sur des serveurs et les capacités de conduite automatisée, y compris la possibilité de découvrir la navette de passagers sans conducteur EZ10 d'EasyMile - Hôtel Renaissance - Ballroom 1
Ansys: Présentation des dernières capacités de simulation pour la mobilité durable, en particulier comment EasyMile utilise son outil medini analyze pour définir et démontrer la sécurité de ses solutions - West Hall - Booth #5769
EasyMile participera également à une table ronde organisée par Ansys, intitulée "Simulation as a Superpower : Bridging Speed, Safety, and Sustainability in Transportation & Mobility", sur son stand le 5 janvier à 13h30 PST.